Monday, January 6, 2020


Serpentina or Serpentine plant is a perennial (always growing) undershrub (low-growing) widely used in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, and Thailand. as a medicinal plant. It is widely cultivated in many parts of the India. It is one of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Scientific names: Justicia and Andrographis paniculata
There are many names for this herb. It is also called by both names, Justicia Paniculata and Andrographis Paniculata. In the USA, it’s common to refer to it as “King of Bitters,” Green chirayta, or Creat.

However, there is another version of the plant that is mostly cultivated in the rest of Asia. Although the Indian snake root or Sarpagandha is most popular in India, in the rest of Asia, Serpentine or Serpentina variaty is also known and called by these names:

Cambodia – Smau pramat manuss (Khmer)
China – Chuan Xin Lian (穿心蓮)
India & Pakistan – Chirota (চিরতা in Bengali) or कीरायत (Punjabi)
Indonesia – Sambiloto, sambiroto
Malaysia – Hempedu Bumi, Akar Cerita
Philippines (Tagalog) – Aluy, Likha, Sinta, Serpentina
Thailand – Fa Thalai Chon (ฟ้าทะลายโจร)
Vietnamese – Xuyên Tâm Liên

Alamin ang Health benefits of Serpentina | Cure Mula sa Nature ...

  1. Anagesic -pain killer
  2. Anti-inflammatory - reduces swelling
  3. Antibacterial - has a remarkable effect in reducing diarrhea and other bacterial infection
  4. Antimalaria - help prevent parasite infection.antihepatotoxic and hepatorotective eliminates liver toxins and protect liver and gall bladder
  5. Antipyretic - reduces fever
  6. Antithrombotic - blood clot prevention,help prevent heart attack.
  7. Antioxidant - fight free radicals
  8. Antiviral - inhibits viral activity including HIV
  9. Canceolytic - cancer fighter or better to say cancer killer
  10. Cardiopotective - protect heart muscles
  11. Choleretic - increases the flow of bile
  12. Depurative - clean the system especially the blood stream
  13. Hypoglycemic - lower blood sugar and protect against diabetes
  14. Immune enhancer - increases immune system
  15. Vermicidal - kill intestine worms.

Serpentina Plants or King of Bitters (ANDROGRAPHIS PANICULATA)

Serpentina is a medicinal herb dubbed as the ‘King of Bitters.’ Despite its bitter taste, it is widely sought after by diabetics because of its efficacy to lower blood sugar. This herb can be taken by itself or mixed with food to lessen the bitterness.

I once suffered from diarrhea. Aware of the potency of Serpentina, I took it by making tea (5 leaves of Serpentina: 1 cup of water) thrice a day. I had to eat a little chocolate in between sips just to finish a cup of it! The following morning my stomachache was history. I also noticed that I was healed from my cold and nasal congestion when I ate Serpentina leaves with honey. Luckily, there are some people who enjoy the pure taste of this herb that Malaysians call ‘Bile of the Earth.’ This definitely makes it to my list of stomachache and common cold remedies.

This herb is popularly known in the Philippines as Serpentina but its name in the ‘List of Philippine Medicinal Plants’ is Sinta. It is known scientifically and internationally as Andrographis Paniculata. This traditional medicine is native to Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, which is used as a cooling herb for fever and flu. Indian tribes also use Serpentina as treatment for liver problems and cancer in their Ayuverdic medicines. Serpentina’s popularity is not limited to its Southeast Asian roots though. It is also regarded as a remedy for common colds in Scandinavian regions.

Known Traditional Benefits:

Analgesic – Helps manage pain
Anti-inflammatory – Reduces and controls swelling
Antibacterial – Reduces diarrhea or bacterial infection in the body
Antimalarial – Helps prevent parasite infection and multiplication in the blood stream
Antihepatotoxic and Hepatoprotective – Protects liver and gall bladder
Antipyretic – Reduces fever
Antithrombotic – Blood clot prevention, helps prevent heart attack
Antiviral – Inhibits viral activity including HIV*
Antioxidant – Fights free radicals
Canceolytic – Fights cancer
Cardioprotective – Protects heart muscles
Choleretic – Increases the flow of bile
Depurative – Cleans the system and particularly the blood streams
Expectorant – Releases mucus in the respiratory system
Hypoglycemic – Lowers blood sugar and protect againts diabetis
Immunity – Help increase overall immune system
Vermicidal – Kills intestinal worms

Medicinal Benefits

The Indian physician Rustom Jal Vakil is considered responsible for introducing Rauwolfia to Western medicine. He collected data on patients treated with Rauwolfia for 10 years, from 1939 to 1949. In 1949, he published a watershed paper on the antihypertensive properties of serpentina in the British Medical Journal.

Hypertension and blood pressure
He presented his detailed results from treating 50 patients who had high blood pressure with the root of Rauwolfia. The results were remarkable and significant. By 1949, more than 90% of Indian physicians were using Rauwolfia in the treatment of high blood pressure. After Vakil’s original paper, more than 100 scientific articles were published throughout the world.

Rauwolfia serpentina is a safe and effective treatment for hypertension says Douglas Lobay, a Naturopathic physician. It is also said to help alleviate high blood pressure.

Mental problems
Rauwolfia has been used for mental diseases, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, epilepsy and seizures, and of insomnia and sleep problems. It has been studied as a treatment for autistic children between the ages of 3.5 and 9 years.

Another study found it to be effective in the treatment of delirium tremens in alcohol and drug addicted patients. The researchers in that study observed a noted decrease in agitation, excitement, and acute hallucinatory episodes.

Neurotonic remedy
According to the Thammasat Journal (Thailand), Serpentine has a cholinesterase inhibitors component that can be used in the treatment of memory impairment diseases. Rauwolfia Serpentine is widely used in Thai traditional anti-rejuvenating and neurotonic remedies (improves the tone or force of the nervous system) to potentiate hypnotic and tranquil effects.

Migraine and skin diseases
One study found that Rauwolfia treated migraine headaches effectively, with a noted improvement in the quality of life and a decrease in pain. Rauwolfia is also said to improve psychogenic dermatosis and psoriatic outbreaks.

Other medicinal uses
It is commonly used in Thailand as cough remedy while as an immune booster in the Philippines.

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